The Secret
Someone gave me a great secret when I was growing up. Often the human heart struggles for its' potential and regains its' footing just to slip again. Either one can keep climbing or sit on the side of the mountain and cry. I prefer the third option that is outlined in As a Man Thinketh by James Allen.
The bottom line is you are what you think you are. After a fall in our spirit and in our motivation, if we but just sat aside the mountain to ponder and to thinketh and to reevaluate where our thinking lies, we would be able to move forward with renewed purpose and sure footing.
In the renowned Secret by Rhonda Byrnes, she also outlines that the secret is to follow your feelings to hint at what your subconsciously thinking then adjust accordingly. If I am feeling stressed, sad, upset- these are negative feelings and I must change the way I feel in order to regain my footing and move forward in a positive manner. Do not look at where you are but rather where you want to be and proceed in a positive manner. Let no clump of grass, rain or hard thing (usually a negative person laughing at your purpose in progress) get in your way. If you slip, act as if you did not. If the sun shines too bright in your eyes, bask in the warmth of its rays. Turn all negatives to a positive and something inside you will change.
You will become who you have always wanted to be- a better version of you that lives a life always moving forward in a positive manner. This is for all those who have stumped their toes up the mountain of success. I say Travel Beyond Boundaries of Imagination® where anything is possible.